The Science of Being Exercises are arranged systematically and progressively. Each are designed in such a way as to gradually develop one's internal powers and all their latent qualities, making one stronger and more productive. When practiced each day, one grows stronger and stronger in the intended direction. These exercises are originally found in, and profoundly understood while studying the teachings in the Science of Being in 27 Lessons.
These exercises cover practices that are designed for the development of oneself on the Three Planes of Existence-- the Physical, the Mental, and the Spiritual. They are of the sort that everyone, of all ages and in different stages of development, can easily perform them. Even children can do some of the exercises and obtain optimal, constructive results. The exercises most adaptable to children are specifically pointed out on the Children's Exercise Page. It is advisable, that these exercises be performed under the most favorable conditions, which are the following:
Choose a certain time of the day, preferably in the morning immediately upon getting up, or the last thing before going to sleep. The morning is better, as one’s forces are fresh after a night’s rest.
If possible (but not strictly necessary), perform the exercises at a consistent hour.
Wear light natural clothing that hangs free from the body.
Be comfortable. Try to be by yourself, with nobody in your immediate vicinity, in order that other people’s mental vibrations may not interfere with your practices.
Follow the arrows for the natural progression of these Exercises.