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The FourSquare

The Four Corners of Soul & The Law of Spirit (Vibrations)

4 Corners Pyramid (2) - Color Fill - Whi

Click on a corner of Soul to learn about its teaching. 

"The Corner of the Soul is Life, another Corner is Mind, another Corner is

Law/Truth, and another Love. All united in One, or Spirit, is the Soul."  ~Advanced Teachings~Science of Being.

The FourSquare ~ The Four Corners of Soul

The Spirit (Vibrations) of Life, Mind, Truth, and Love are One Law within The Great Law. 

The FourSquare is the first aspect of The Great Law. The FourSquare, also referred to as 'The Law of Spirit' and the 'Four Corners of Soul'. It is a blueprint and a path to harmonize one's Life Vibrations, Mental/Intelligence Vibrations, Truth/Law Vibrations and Love's Spiritual Vibrations. When this vibrational alignment is properly realized through the proper channels, one is creating through and is in alignment with The Great Law. It guides one, as they are in the ever present now, to be one with the true nature of all things. When harmonized within the four corners of one's Soul, one is united with their own Eternal Soul. From this 'center point,' all manifestations are made manifest


Everything in Nature expresses itself according to the FourSquare Principle through Physical Mental, and Spiritual Vibrations. There has never been, on this planet, anything more simple, more direct, and more practical than the map of the FourSquare. In this world of illusions, we can only be sure of the Principles of the FourSquare. We begin the FourSquare in the corner of Life; then Mind; then Truth; then the corner of Love. All these corners being contained as one living Spirit/Vibration; one Point of Power. The FourSquare is the condensation of all the Laws. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


"It is the very blueprint

of the Universe and

one's all~powerful and all~knowing Soul." 

"Our Pyramid of Life started almost immediately after we appeared on this planet. Our progress has been due entirely to inspiration coming from our Higher Self...  The Higher Self is a Light at the top of the pyramid, shining down and benefitting that through which it goes. It is more than a light."


The Quest for Soul ~ Eugene Fersen

and the Quest for Soul through the Knowledge of the Law of Spirit-- Vibrations.

"Our incarnation would produce almost no effect if it were not for the Law of Evolution. The FourSquare is the Eternal Foundation of Life Itself."

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