The Mutable Laws of
the Relative
Click on the #-Link above, to access each law.
​#1 The Law of Polarity: All life on this plane creates life through pairs and opposites. Therefore, life must be aware of one of 'Life's' important rules regarding the first Mutable Law: everything only appears to be opposite on the Physical and Mental Planes; in the realm of physical matter. Only energy, balanced or unbalanced, will determine the Spiritual flow of Harmony in the field. All that is imprinted and sustained by vibration, remains charged and manifesting in the field. 'Unity is the Law of the Absolute'.
#2 The Law of Rhythm also known as the Law of the Pendulum: This law operates on the Mental and Physical Planes of existence. The law of Rhythm or Pendulum can be a liberator or a captor of one's precious, dynamic Life Energy. It has the ability, through Mental Force and by way of its 'intention' and 'attention', to hold rhythms and patterns in their energetic sequences into fixed states of being. It can be a force used for the optimal evolution of all one creates. Here is where one’s mental awareness of 'choice' is powerful.
#3 The Law of Gender: "As it is above, so it is below; as it is within, it is also without." The relationship between the two dynamic forces within, the masculine and the feminine, defines one's relationship with their external world. These two aspects from within, are the producers of all creation. (Further Inspiration and Insights on the Science of the Law of Gender.)
#4 The Law of Cause and Effect: The law of Cause and Effect, in its present aspect of a transitory, material law, is not harmful to us if we know how to use it properly, in the NOW. It is the result, the outcome, of how one worked through the theories of the other mutable laws, sited here first-- before the effects became one’s results. That law explains also what is called Reincarnation.